Practice Charter
We are committed to giving you the best service we can. This is possible if we work together - Please Help Us To Help You
What We Will Do For You:
- Treat you with courtesy and respect at all times
- Discuss with you the care and treatment we can provide
- Give you full information on the services we provide
- Give you the most appropriate care by suitably qualified staff
- In case of an Emergency provide an Out of Hours service to take care of you when the surgery is closed
- Refer you to a consultant when the Doctor thinks it is necessary
- Refer for a second opinion when you and your Doctor agree it is needed
- Give access to your Health Records, subject to any limitation in the law
- Keep the contents of your Health Record confidential
- Give you a full and prompt reply to any complaints you make about our services
If we fail to meet these standards please tell us so that we can improve our service
Practice Manager: MRS RASHMI TATI

What You Can Do For Us:
- Treat us with respect and courtesy at all times
- Tell us if you are unsure about the treatment we are offering you
- Do not attend at A&E until you have tried to get an appointment at the surgery. If you have fallen or hurt yourself you can visit the Minor Injuries service at Orsett Hospital.
- Use the Out of Hours services only in a genuine emergency
- Ask for a home visit only when if you or the person you are looking after cannot get to the surgery through illness or infirmity
- Keep your appointments and let us know as early as possible if you want to cancel it. In that way we can offer the appointment to another person
- Let us know when you change your name or address or mobile telephone number.
- Give us 48 hours to process repeat prescriptions, if you post your request or if you wish us to post the prescription to you, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope and please allow 1 week in advance of you requiring the medication
- Do Not telephone for repeat prescriptions use the order slip provided