Clinics We Offer


Maternity Clinic

The midwife will see our mums-to-be at Orsett Surgery. 

Patients can self refer to the maternity services by going online to complete a referral form:


Baby Immunisations and Routine Vaccinations

Please call to make an appointment for immunisations and tetanus injections.

For baby immunisations and routine vaccinations such as tetanus, please make an appointment with the practice nurse.


Sexual Health Services

We can help with contraception advice, emergency contraception and termination of pregnancy referrals.



Smear Tests

If you are worried about having a smear test visit:

It will answer any questions and explain what is involved and the importance of attending this screening

Please note that at the moment smear test results are taking around 8 weeks

a hand holding a cell phone

Health Check-ups

Newly registered patients, those aged 75 or over who have not had a consultation in the past year and adult patients under 75 who have not had a consultation in the past three years all have the right to request a health check consultation with either a doctor or nurse at the practice. Please call reception to arrange an appointment.

If you have a long term condition i.e., Asthma, Diabetes, COPD, etc. you will be called into the practice for a check by the doctor or nurse. If you have been newly diagnosed the doctor will tell you when you will need another check-up.